
Fuck. This. Movie. I could write and essay of all the things in this movie that piss me off but I’ll sum it up with a word that gets tossed around a lot.


Hey, remember a few months back when the backward, ignorant, retrograde, racist hatfuckers all told us that Johnny Storm being black was a bad thing because RACE IS HOLY SACRED CANON, and that they should make new characters for black people to play as instead? Well, they did that. And...the racist hatfuckers didn’t

The first three gears were about the same thing. The first two weren’t about cars. And I haven’t seen actual content in 6th gear in months. I’m going to stop reading these if the quality doesn’t improve. Mike, might I suggest not doing the morning shift every morning in an attempt to accumulate better content? I would

I was talking about Spock (the second star of Star Trek and a metaphorical star) being the second star to the right, because Leonard Nimoy’s dead, damnit. And everybody knows it’s from Peter Pan. That’s the implied wink when Kirk says it.

It’s almost certainly not. Perhaps a smaller team, like the one that did Korra, but this would not be Platinum’s next big thing.

Doug. Wtf?

Amazing how the absolute horribleness of the XIII series has made people appreciate XII after so long of complaining about it.

Notice how you get Zero stars, and the other person gets plenty of stars (more will come by).

Motherfucker it was fourteen years ago. What were you doing fourteen years ago? Are you perfect? Are you the sinless child of the Virgin Fucking Mary? Have you never fucked up in your life? Or have you merely fucked up and not been caught for it, like pretty much everyone else who's human?

Luckily he wasn't surrounded by people who are hell bent on holding his past misdeeds over his head forever, like yourself. The guy has been a model of personal change and conquering addiction. All of this and then some when we consider the context of Hollywood as his environment to remain sober in. If someone

Oh I'm sorry, we aren't all perfect like you. It's your world man, we're all just living in it.

as DrBoom said, He did his time and went through rehab and got a fresh start and look at him now. That was his past and he did something about it. How about you do something about yourself? Online to bring down someone who is doing something great right now?


...But he was brilliant in Chaplin.

After reading this, I must say: yes. Yes, I do.

He battled horrific demons in addiction, and leveraged that to make himself more relatable. Casting-wise, it's also why he was a perfect pick for Iron Man, considering Tony Stark's own alcoholism.

Further, let's not sensationalize. That's an awful "sin" on its own. A man

That was 15 years ago. He's never hidden his addition issues, and he's turned his life around. It's not that people forgot, but he did work on it, and so people did forgive.

Point of order; it was a Catwoman suit.