
It is not an option that is built in or not like sunroof or AC. For instance, let's say that Ford announces that they will support both. Support for both is then added in the headunit at the factory. It is not like they ship a system with either one or the other. If the headunit supports one it will support the other

Is it just me or is Kim Jong-un looking chunkier than ever?

That DeMuro punk stole my bag before he was even a twinkle in his pappy's eye.

In addition, it is clear that a defense spending bill (NDAA) will not make it to the President's desk with the A-10's funding being omitted from the text.

Thank you. I started up a response to this idiot's blathering, but you saved me the trouble. You're absolutely right: anyone with the barest hint of imagination should see the potential in this, and you gave a couple nice use cases. Jesus: you didn't give me a star, so I don't have any reason to feel kindly toward

What's implied but not stated is that utilities are subject to pricing regulation that ensures a profit, but also ensures access.

They'll say no, because it is something Obama wants and corporations don't.

Honestly for me what made them less than great was a lack of mystery. They were screwed from the beginning because we already knew what was going to happen. We knew Anakin would fall and have two kids, we knew he would betray Obi-Wan and we knew the Jedi would fall. The rest of it was just glorified visuals.

The Economist article linked in this post does a pretty thorough job answering your question. Most relevant:

There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close

Boeing will get them there, pretty much guaranteed. It'll cost more but they have a track record of bringing successful projects to market.

To be honest this is not really an entry level bike, although lots of people think 700cc is "Small" today. It's really not. Whether you want to pay the tariff for the anime look is a matter of personal preference. Honda's are reliable, last a long time and are usually not hard to maintain. Darn good bikes.

Interesting write-up on a motorcycle which is unfamiliar to many experienced riders.

I don't think they Handel that Verdi well, that kind of embarrasment could make a person go into Haydn. They should invite him Bach for their next performance to show that they Holst no hard feelings

"We come in peace to contact your special human intelligence... PSYCHE!!!! We're here to take your water!"

What I don't get is why is no one in the press talking about what the actual costs are. Not the arbitrary numbers provider companies state, but what is the REAL impact to them by having unlimited.

But US labor law man will save us all!!!!!!!!!!

I think these companies should take a look at executive, marketing, and legal salaries and expenses before the workers. The waste is there, but it isn't because of workers. (you know, the ones that actually build the cars)

Our wage and worker protection laws are so bad that big European companies are moving manufacturing here. Many states want these factories, even though they pay below the median income, because their politicians have been paid to want these factories. Some of these same politicians also passed laws making it harder

This is one of the debates that happening in Astrophysics right now, but it is definitely not a game changer for the overall, general (well-informed and scientifically educated) public regarding black holes. The details of the debate are deep physics and only question the concept of the event horizon.