
You think?

note that the same kind of screening is present in the grille slots - on current gen JKs that’s also an open area. There are many a mod tutorial on how to screen that over using Home Depot parts, and a thriving aftermarket accessory business of pre-fab grille screens. They’ve just done the same thing to the bumper.

They covered the hole with screening. Likely to keep weight down. The all steel hard rock bumper (which this looks to be) already weighs a ton compared to the plastic base model. Covering the holes with “grille” to keep out sticks and stones makes more sense than just a solid panel.

Not vents - brush/rock guards.

Not vents - rock guards.

I will and do absolutely unequivocally claim the high ground over Nazi pig-fuckers, and I have, and will again, fucking punch the ever-loving shit out of Nazi dickshits. There is no debate. There is no quarter offered or requested.

You are...not grasping the concept here, chief.

FCA has been trying to sell itself for a couple years. Buying Ducati isn’t in the cards.

The topic clearly spelled out by the title and preview paragraph on the front page, which you willingly clocked through to read, then complained when you got exactly it did on the tin.

The thing you’re failing to grasp is this: the consequence of *not* punching Nazis is that PEOPLE FUCKING DIE.

If no one else has said it, I gladly will:

I believe you do, and I don’t actually think I’ve got you figured out. Your subsequent responses have been considerably more thoughtful and nuanced than I would have expected, tbh.

The most confusing thing about all of this is “why”? No one, not one person, who read this article saw the transplant denial and said “that’s fucked up! She should have gotten a liver!” We all know that there are fine moral distinctions involved in transplant suitability decisions. And the thing you want is already

Oh yes...you were just “pointing out the problems”.

You have absolutely no goddamned idea what you’re talking about w/re: public health care policy or addiction.

Regulation Stifles business is only like the 7th most hilariously incorrect thing Von Mises ever said.

Your super fun at parties, aren’t you?

It’s only necessary if you think you’re changing any hearts and minds. I get it, you’re right. You’re also smug as fuck in your presentation, and by identical comment #2, you have lost the audience. You’re getting eyerolls, not converts to the cause. Hell...even in this meta conversation you spent more time convincing

You’re fucking salty as hell, jackass. Rachet that back, asshole.

Your outrage is well rehearsed. Congratulations on finally baiting someone into the conversation you keep trying to have.