Thanks! The GFM pulled in about $15k, and his prognosis as of the following up visit last week looks really good. It could have been so much worse.
Thanks! The GFM pulled in about $15k, and his prognosis as of the following up visit last week looks really good. It could have been so much worse.
Honestly, is that really what you think happened?
One of the key components, psychologically, to maintaining cognitive dissonance is projection. A state where the sufferer blames others for behavior they themselves are exhibiting.
Have big thumbs and place the “n” key right next to the space bar!
Um...OK? Not really sure what neighborhood of your ass you’re pulling that assessment from, but congratulations, I guess?
By his own admission he is a “3 G’s” conservative who went out of his way to “prove” how open-minded he is by noting how happy he would be to spend time with the 2 most prominent Jewish politicians in the US.
*I* need to learn to read?
Better suggestion: stop doing racist shit.
Jesus H. Christ... I was so distracted by your casual and ignorant racism that I completely missed your causal and ignorant idiocy regarding liberalism. No wonder you hate have no fucking idea who they are!
And you know...for someone who loves when opinions are based on facts, you shue as hell have one that is 100% fact free.
You didn’t have to use the word, its what you said.
It’s some kind of new record. We got at least 30 comments in before someone dropped the “uppity nigger” comment!
Not to mention the fact that it was beat-for-beat *EXACTLY* like the Speeder bike chase in RotJ, only with zero stakes. I mean even the rando taking a potshot at one of the racers was lifted from Jedi. Zero fucks given about podracing. Because it wasn’t just half-asses in terms of world building and design. It was…
No doubt. It’s a crazy situation, and we’re lucky he’s still here. We are just trying to make sure that still being here is actually better than the alternative.
You are correct, but my edit window has passed before I noticed my mistake.
Yeah that’s a fair point that I didn’t fully understand. I’ll pass it on to him. You never know.
2004 Sonata with extensive front end damage, no less!
Yes, they do indeed have stricter laws in that regard. Wouldn’t want the peons milking the benevolent corporations now would we?
Actually it would be insanely simple. Just delete the words “over the age of 55” from the Medicare Authorization Act.
If $5k was all he needed that would be great. But its going to be much, much more expensive than that, I fear.