
No. Texas minimum wage for "gratuity-based occupations" is $2.13/hr. If over the course of a pay period your hourly wage + claimed tips does not equal federal minimum wage, then the company is obligated to pay the difference.

Bless you forever for getting rid of that obscene white rubber nose condom.

Key though is keeping it Ford. I mean...is it still a Pantera is you can't swap parts with an F-150?


I don't disagree...Except that unless *somebody* buys a cheap Pantera and puts in the work, that's just another example out of the market. At 7500 total units (less unrecoverable wrecks) there just aren't enough in the world to bottom out the pricing, even if every single one was brought up to

You don't want to listen to Toscini on it, but its fine for speakerphone calls and the odd YouTube video now and then.

The Nexus 5 is really the only answer, IMO.

and I'm betting that the incidents you describe happened well before his election as the President of South Africa and the author's employment as his PA. So yeah, I'm thinking you're right. But its probably not the cover up you might think it is.

Why would sharing a laugh over something as patently silly as sex makes someone not a good person?


10/10 - Would cuddle!

i live in Southern California and am a salaried employee, so yes, I *absolutely* work 50+ hours a week and have 45% taken right off the top.

Well, to answer what you think is a rhetorical question...it says it in the Commerce clause of Article II. Or at least that's what the Supreme Court decided. Could that be overturned? Sure. Plessey v. Furguson was a bad decision that was later overturned. But just like Obamacare, it was 100% constitutional BY

It was about the Southern state's right to own slaves.

This should help tremendously:

Not so bad, really...

It's all about "name and shame". I know that it gets lumped in as a "fascist lefty PC thought police tactic" or whatever, but at the end of the day - words have consequences. All of these people were more than free to keep their godawful bullshit to themselves, but they didn't, and that choice has consequences. The

yeah, no. The basic problem is that in heteronormative culture you see a straight draftee kissing his girl and it doesn't ever register because you see it all the time. That's why its "normative". So what Sam was doing was in every way a normal reaction, and if it had been a woman, it wouldn't even have registered. By

you said BMW didn't do any defining. I think, and lots of others do too, that a fully automated mass production process for CF unibody is pretty damn ground breaking. BMW defined the contours of their place in this market. Innovative materials processes. That's a pretty big deal, and pretty good place to be when

Mass produced CF tub disagrees with your assertion of no ground broken.