
Or, you know...another victory for basic human decency.


and to be clear, I'm not saying *you're* bashing or puffing up false narratives. I'm saying that is fixing to happen, and there are going to be a lot of people pointing to the Toyota move as "proof" of whatever point they want to score is, and that's gonna bug the piss out of me.

Well, I didn't move *because of* DART, and they definitely have stepped up their game. I'll admit that there was probably some hyperbole driven by frustration in my original.

The main reason I don't live in Texas any more is because owning a big house isn't a goal I wish to participate in.

property tax is capped by constitutional amendment here. You don't pay on the full value of the house. Also, lack of state income tax and a reliance on consumption taxes means that your oil billionaires don't pay in to the system at anything approaching a progressive rate, which is why all of TX social services are

You're right. Carrollton isn't Plano. Its closer to almost all the things named on the above list and it *still* took nearly an hour to get downtown. All the construction (which seems to be perennial since it was going on when I left 7 years ago), makes getting out of Plano and to something worth doing is brutal.

Yeah, but if the USPS didn't have a ridiculous pension mandate, they would be profitable also.

All true re: locations. The vast majority of the list is in Dallas.

Oh traffic here is god awful, no doubt. But if the 405 is shut down for carmageddon, at least you're still guaranteed an awesome little pho shop down the street, or a rad bookstore 3 blocks over, a record shop next to the taqueria next to a dive bar. In Plano, unless you're willing to drive the hour, you've got a TGI

Excwpt that real taxes are *higher* for middle class workers in Texas than they are in CA. And c'mon, man, this argument just doesn't hold water. Apple can afford to put their Corp HQ literally *anywhere* (probably including the moon) and yet they continue to remain for my entrenched in Silicon Valley.

Chin up, bud. It's gonna suck, but you can make it out. Just...if you ever want to leave Texas, don't go to UT or UNT. Those places have gravity, man.

Have you been to Dallas in the last year or so?

I was going to respond with a really raged out response, but I'm trying to have less of that in my life.

Yup. Quality of life metrics<Other quality of life metrics.

Frisco, Little Elm or Carrollton?



Different value systems allow for different weighting of criteria for different people. For many, Plano is a fine choice. For others, the idea of living in a extremely homogeneous community of tract house McMansions surrounded on all sides by monoculture consumerism, abysmal weather, Plano politics, an hour's drive to

and for every business that leaves, 2 take it's place. We're doing just fine, thanks. And to your point re: Google and Apple - If it was really so awful here, don't you think they would reasonably pull up stakes and leave?