Absolutely there is. We should probably have some sort of Government entity to review grant proposal requests and determine whether or not a given experiment or line of research is scientifically sound enough to produce usable results. This mythic agency should also follow up with grant recipients to determine how…
Do you mean infrastructure like the gigabit fiber they're laying for free to a town in Kansas?
I fear the other comments are missing the point.
Actually, there is one pure democracy on the planet...
Please, please tell me you're being snarky.
But the reason HTML5 is better than flash is that it *isn't* script based. nor is it a plugin. To block HTML5 you have to block HTML...which sort of defeats the whole purpose and point of a browser.
Or works in an industry where full sleeve tattoos don't matter, or is a member of the Triad, or the Yakuza, or Polynesian, or Maori, or enjoys wearing long sleeve shirts so judgmental jerks don't think their skeevy or lacking forsight just because they have a tattoo.
and yet...
Because when I saw THOR, someone in the audience yelled "Leave the gun! Take the Bow" during the scene where Clint Barton goes "eye in the sky".
+1 for fuckfack. Best new insult entry.
The use of the word "buy" in regards to spectrum is one we need to work hard to eliminate from our vocabulary. They lease spectrum from the US Gov't...i.e. you and me. It's way easy for us to forget that, and seemingly impossible for the FCC to *remember* it.
Interesting theory, but wholly unsupported by facts.
No, my issue is really that he lies.
I'll take my lumps on this one.
And you're showing a complete disconnection from realitywen you say that he "selectively edited [her] own words" because that isn't even remotely close to what he did.
That's great for you. I don't see a damn thing in my comment that should be in any way offensive to you then.
Not being forced through someone else's ideology to hate entire swaths of the population?