
Great, yeah, after 20 years in "journalism" Andrew Brietbart one time didn't doctor, manipulate, or otherwise LIE and he was correct, and vindicated.

That's a pretty bold statement. I'd love for you to expand on that thought some to better understand where you're coming from.

You shouldn't have to pay a "4G premium" at all.

Except that phones sold at retail will and do compete on price, making a phone purchased outright in an open, competitive market less expensive that the subsidized price via 2-year contract extension. so TANSTAAFL-BICSBAHOALC (But It Can Sure Be A Hell Of A Lot Cheaper)

I'd be willing to take that bet, and I'd win.

Yeah, I think Cav vs. Thor is probably the best, and cleanest, rivalry in pro cycling right now. Neither of them are dominating all-arounders, but watching them gun it out is never boring.

I'll take it! and give you one right back.

You mean to say that your government turned broadband into a regulated utility service, and there are still multiple providers, the customer benefits, and presumably (because there is still competition for the market) the provider companies are making money?


Yeah, I hear ya...

I never said he shouldn't have been questioned.

And you might want to be careful about dangling participles.

The whole point is that we have zero evidence of ANYTHING that happened.

Other than leaving the back door open, FB has nothing to do with this.

7.0.3 is out, but it's a bugfix. To get 2.3.4 kernel you have to move to the nightly builds on CM. At least on the G2, I can't tell a difference between nightly #77 and 7.0.3 stable release except that my netflix app works now.

You know them when you see them...

In no way am I being sarcastic when I ask this, I'm genuinely curious:

I just synced my android phone with my home computer...while I'm at the office 20 miles away.

Bad news, sir.

"have you met the Tea Party?"