by party affiliation over the last 10 years, Republicans have requested and received earmarks at a 7-1 ratio to Democrats.
Slow your roll there, water-carrier.
Exactly the opposite.
You know there's an easy fix for this, right?
So true. Which is why iOS remains the #1 mobile smartphone OS in the world, and Android continues to lag.
Never mind. Deeper reading provides clarity.
Did you know that when they raised the legal age to 21, auto fatalities for the 18-24 age group went down 85%?
@markbriton1: Utter BS.
You mean you haven't yet?
You're not an idiot, but the reason Dave is on Team COCO is that Letterman's Worldwide Pants was the producer of Conan's shows for his entire time at NBC. Also, Letterman has a substantial investment in COCOPRO, and Conan has $$ in Worldwide Pants.
You've never actually used a sidekick or an Android powered phone, have you?
Tell me more about this Epiphone of yours...PM if you like and we'll talk.
I'm a neck beard from way back in the day, so android deving came pretty naturally to me, but it's dead easy if you get a tool chain set up that makes sense to you.
I feel where you're coming from, and i agree with you completely that "impossible" is always relative.
Not really very likely.
Nothing is stored to the phone. It's all handled in Square's secure servers. They payer receives a text or email verifying the purchase. The sell receives confirmation of the transaction, then funds are deposited to the sellers designated account.
Not really true.