@Jason Chen: Also - nothing with Blur should ever be called a Google device.
@Jason Chen: Also - nothing with Blur should ever be called a Google device.
@Jason Chen: It's not really weird at all.
True, they don't block PDANet, but they do block apps.
Exactly. The electronic version *should* be cheaper, by at least 15%, because of the lack of physical materials, drastically reduced cost of distribution (one server vs. many hired trucks and warehouse space), no brick-and-mortar shop overhead, or other expenses.
Unless they are illegally packet-sniffing in violation of FCC laws or have a FISA warrant they can't tell that you're tethering.
Yes they do, and no it won't work.
[FROM: Monopoly]
Sanjay Jha from Moto recently lamented in an earnings call that they would not be ale to have as much % margin on the XOOM as on their smartphone business because of the direct-to-consumer channel's higher cost and variability.
Don't even buy the phone under contract.
Then your friends at Sony are idiots.
@strideo: For those you need:
@Rabid Penguin: There is a difference between illegal and criminal. But with further clarification of your point, I do concede that there is no criminal penalty vis a vis gay marriage.
@Rabid Penguin: Au Contraire, my friend:
@cottonwin: Natural Selection is working just fine.
@Silly Putty: Or the other saying...
@DrBoom: that is exactly equal to "as a man you can marry any woman you want."
@SEDAGIVE?!: It's not a logically flawed example at all. You're own defense proves my point.
@Rabid Penguin: " However, there are NO such laws against gays."
@nickrivers: Yeah, because we've never ever in history ever realized that sometimes the majority can be wrong about stuff.
@I. Need a. New. Name.: You're not a bigot because you disagree with people who are pro-gay marriage.