Anyone want to play a game of “Find the Jezebellian"?
Anyone want to play a game of “Find the Jezebellian"?
I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.
Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t…
“Remember: without chemicals, life itself would be impossible.”
I don’t think I’m watching the same video you’re watching. He’s not driving too slow in the left lane. I mean... the only reason we see any of it is because he’s overtaking the traffic on the right, which is exactly what he’s supposed to be doing there.
Assuming the guy doing the filming was doing roughly the speed limit, and he seems to be keeping pace with the guy up ahead of him so it seems like a reasonable assumption... then the guy being harassed is passing at a reasonable rate of overtake in the left lane and therefore is doing pretty much exactly as he should…
Yeah looks pretty successful to me
Dude is passing a car in the right lane. That’s not “blocking” anything.
Dude is passing a car in the right lane. That’s not “blocking” anything.
This video got me slightly aroused.
Lessons were learned the hard way.
I dunno man. Isn’t this EXACTLY why you brake-check someone? :)
Here is a little background information on Jenny Wright, who has a justifiable axe to grind with the University of Tennessee.
Hmmm since the parents actively sought out the media and the article is based entirely off of their word...... I’m gonna go ahead and guess that there is a lot that they aren’t saying that might go a long way towards explaining the other passengers’ reactions.
Then how are they supposed to travel?
Et tu, Moute?
THE BATTLE SHIP! (I always thought it was a battleship, anyway.)
This “article” is two sentences long, how could it be so poorly written?
Yeah. I tend to mind my own business about it but when a friend tells me they’re doing a ‘cleanse’ I have to work at biting my tongue about how unhealthy I actually think most cleanses are. I’m not always happy with how my body looks either, but I don’t think avoiding solid foods for a week is going to make it…
At it’s extreme, this type of obsession with “clean eating” is called orthorexia. It’s a recognised disorder. When people get so involved in a certain type of restrictive diet, such as paleo, it can be really harmful. But often it’s not picked up, and people who are obsessive are celebrated as super-healthy role…
She’s not wrong. A multi-day cayenne pepper and lemon juice only ‘cleanse’ is to a person with disordered eating what a weekend long bender in Vegas would be for an alcoholic. It’s not healthy and the media should stop glorifying that type of thing.