
Ha! That’s the same exact moment I walked out on too!

I think they included that because in his doofus-y ransom letter he called himself and his accomplices “gentleman thieves.”

I, however, will be taking my fiance’s name because I hate my family. Or we’ve talked about making a name up and going with that for the both of us.

Yeah, it’s all fun and games until that fucker punches out someone’s eye.

There’s no worse writing than someone trying so hard to be “edgy.”

When did “pearl-clutching” become the go to put-down on Jezebel? Do I care if people I don’t know do drugs? No. Do I care if these people try to sneak drugs on a plane? Not really. Aside from not thinking that the article is all that well written, it’s not particularly conservative on my part to think that advising

I don’t think many people have issue with drug consumption, but advising people on how to travel with drugs is pretty stupid, imo.

Cue sad trombone.

I’m fine with people who wanna do drugs, but this article is irresponsible. There are places that will straight up execute your ass for bringing even recreational amounts into their country.

This is one of the many, many things that drives me bonkers about this “discussion.” The Facebook messages between the accuser and the accused don’t prove anything, one way or the other, but somehow, to her detractors, the messages have become incontrovertible truth that Sulkowicz is lying.

I giggled. And after reading a lot of the comments on this thread, it was needed!

I agree, and while I don’t think that our judicial system knows how to handle these cases particularly well either, universities have a blatant conflict of interest and definitely should not be adjudicating these situations. I think that both Emma and Paul were done a great disservice.

I wish more places did follow up reporting. I don’t think it’s sufficient to drop a story once it’s no longer “hot.”

It doesn’t bother me, per se, but it does highlight how inadequate the college judicial system is for both accuser and accused.

Good point. I wish Jezebel would do a follow up with their reporting.

I thought Jezebel corresponded with the person.

So, she was buddy buddy with him on Facebook? I still don’t think those messages prove anything other than the complicated-ness of the situation. They certainly don’t prove that she is lying. I mean, how do you explain to yourself people who stay in abusive relationships?

There was another accusation of assault besides those two.

How has it been proven? Her facebook messages to him don’t prove shit.

Fuck yeah! Go Emma!