
Meeee toooo. I use scenes between Theon and Ramsay as an opportunity for me to get up and use the bathroom/go get a snack/check my email etc... I cannot stomach that story line at all.

Same. That poor girl. I just feel so sad and sorry.

Well, this makes my vagina feel drier than usual.

Thank you for this. I’ve had a rough few weeks. I cut contact with my mom and I still struggle with the decision because I feel that unlike a lot of other dysfunctional parents, my mom was never cruel or intentionally mean. She was/is just so self-focused and unstable that she never was able to understand the impact

I know! I kept watching her hands while watching that video. Her hands are gorgeous. So much character.

The cognitive disconnection of these people who say and do racists things but still insist that they are not and could never be racist terrifies me. You’re singing about killing and hanging N-’s from a tree. It’s still racist even if it “doesn’t reflect how (you) really feel.

I respectfully disagree. You are not racist now, but you were certainly racist then. “Saying and thinking awful things” makes you racist. Immaturity, sheltered-ness and brainwashing might be explanations, but they not excuses. Racism is learned. The adults in your life who modeled racism for you, most likely learned

Marriage didn't really seem appealing to me until I my boyfriend and I talked about traveling the world and I realized that I want this person to have legal authority in my life in case I end up in the hospital or something.

Do you think there's any middle ground you can find? Maybe not "marriage" but "domestic partnership" or a a "civil union"? Still formal, but less loaded than perhaps marriage might be to someone who's experienced a very bitter parental divorce.

I know what you mean. This article gave me hives.

Me too! I thought it was phenomenal. It is creepy, but what really stuck with me was the melancholic aspects of the story.

"The eunuch seemed to want a woman to hold him and sing to him."

I once went on a school trip to NYC. On the bus ride, they showed Midnight Cowboy.

Years and years ago, a (former) friend who I knew was feeling down posted a suicidal sounding letter to social media one April Fool’s Day. This was a few months after a close relative of mine attempted suicide. I took their note seriously and when I couldn’t reach them to make sure they were okay, I ended up calling

It's easy to dismiss these women as aberrant, but many more than the uneducated were accomplices or participated. While Nazism promoted the feminine ideal of "Kinder, Kuche, Kirche, "the Third Reich gave women unprecedented opportunity for job training and independence from their families. Women were encouraged to

I love that in the Shadow series we learn that Bean actually knows that the simulation is real. He momentarily disconnects communication from Ender, Petra, et. al. to give one last message to his troops about their sacrifice before they go into the final battle.

Jack Burton (me): I don't get this at all. I thought Lo Pan...

I saw this movie for the first time a few months ago and once I finally stopped looking for logical answers to the questions I had about the plot, I began to love this movie.

Ha! Good catch!

I will be trying this for the first time this holiday season. I look forward to not having to schlep a ton of shit and then worry about it getting lost or stolen. I used the site to help plan.