
Anyone who is criticizing the very valid question being asked here has never been to Washington Heights or the Bronx or the parts of the Carribean, Central amd South America colonized by Spain and Portugal. To exclude darker skinned and Black folks and to call the work representative is intentional. And the just be

I read the transcript and I dont see anything that makes me want to remove a president from office against the will of the ppl.

“...because they needed to feel thier diversity requirements...”

Given Boston’s reputation I think they really did themselves no favors by pointing that out. 

The new show runner is a white man from Boston? Thanks that’s all I needed to know. He’s right he is wrong for black America because he speaks of not towing the company line and that makes The “All Lives Matter” crowd upset. Fuck em all.

Connecticut is the cleaner racist version of the scummy racists that is Boston.

If this most trifling of details is what they want to hang their argument on then they have no argument.

I don’t know her background so I want to tread lightly here:

You notice his team’s defense is that Sonni’s version is “dramatic” and “one-sided”, but they’re not actually saying “false.”

...made racially charged remarks to a parent

Honestly? Limp dicks are pretty underrated

Not only a fancy, fancy snack, but then we had at least a dozen of the containers around the house doing duty as glasses.

I’m guessing that she went out of her way to be overly nice because she was a celebrity, and at college, and didn’t want everyone to think that she was just another “bitchy actress” when she just wanted to have a relatively normal college experience?

I know, right? In the picture he showed as “evidence”, he is half-dressed and looks thrilled. She, on the other hand, has “help me I’m being held captive” face.

I still gained a lot of respect for her for saying it to Moby, though. lol

Trent Reznor went on The Price is Right with his beloved grandpa Bill in 2002. He started leaning into Nice Zaddy before he even had the 12 kids.

Reading that quote about Lana Del Ray made my respect for her double.  That burn was delicious.  

I’d say hers was the second-most satisfying.