
Guessing her next twitter bio will be that generic cishet “woke” thing, which they all seem to think is rather unique, of listing preferred pronouns as though that shows how much of an Ally to LGBT+ people they are.

Flan is many things. In this case, I’m guessing surprise. 

As my mom said to me — they can take away your gold, but the can’t take away your education.


This was an incredibly cathartic read. I’m glad to hear that you’re doing so well. <3 

Thank you so much. For the longest time, I thought I was the problem — that I deserved it or that maybe I wasn’t resilient enough. It was hard because home wasn’t a refuge either. My mom, who is white, was willfully blind to the racism her children experienced because it would inconvenience her.

Thank you for your kind comment. I know there are a lot of messed up places, but Reading has a long history of racism (even if they don’t want to acknowledge it). This is not a new thing there. For example, Charles Stuart (the guy who killed his wife for the life insurance money, but claimed a black man did it) is

Before the page finished loading, I thought, wouldn’t it be funny if this was my hometown. Well, what do you know? Reading, MA was and still is incredibly racist. I was so miserable growing up there that many times, I considered killing myself. I still have the occasional nightmare about being a kid again and being

If I had a lot of money but didn’t really like anyone, I wouldn’t leave a will just so the vultures can duke it out Thunderdome-style amongst themselves (not saying anything about Aretha and the people in her life; this is solely my random take.)

I agree. There’s a way to get your point across and make your case without leaning hard into the language of cultural imperialism.

That’s what makes it hilarious. This Becky got fired from a pyramid scheme. 

Clyne was probably pushed to quit acting in general. Raniere did the same with Mack — controlling/dictating how they make their income to keep them under his thrall.

They married so that Clyne could stay in the country (she’s Canadian.)

If you make the actual KKK the only place where you can acknowledge the coolness of D&D terms, then you’ll just push people into the KKK.

Ah, I see we fundamentally agree. Ignore the tone of my previous post. I get angry at all the white dudes at work who say “everyone’s a little racist” as if that’s supposed to excuse their shitty behavior and lazy thinking.

Everyone’s racist.

Thank you!

Can I copy and post this elsewhere (with attribution, of course.)

About. Damn. Time.

They have no guilt. They also have no children who talk to them. Coincidence?