Found ‘that guy.’
Found ‘that guy.’
“Trump placed an aide, Jake Leinenkugel, in the office to monitor Shulkin’s loyalty.”
Chrithtians can no longer afford to remain thilent in these “perilouth” times. For we know that in thuch time men shall be come loverth of their own selveth, covetouth, boasterth, proud, blathphemerth, dithobedient to parenth, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakerth, falthe accuserth, incont…
Fuck this beetle
That guy is going to have a hard time adapting to the outside world after being expelled from Vault 21(st Century Fox).
All those products are pure snake oil! They do nothing. My patented Repel-o-Rock, on the other hand, is scientifically proven effective at preventing attacks by any large animal, including but not limited to tigers, bears, crocodiles, hippos, gorillas, and cows. Why, I myself have carried one for YEARS and NEVER been…
That makes 2 Christmas Story gifs in one thread... It is officially a good day.
People who steal electric cars should be charged with battery.
Two’s company, three’s a crowd
Sure, this might seem bad on the surface, but you’ve got to remember that as denizens of the Southern Hemisphere, Australians speak with a slightly different register, which results in a frequency that cannot be detected by the ear of a Wolff.
Fuck you, Fred Armisen’s dad.
“shutting their pants”
Every once in a while I re-read this:
But if they ban all semi-automatic rifles, how will I defend myself if I encounter super mutants, ghouls, mirelurks, or, ghasp, deathclaws?