

An all-time under-rated great.  Especially when Ben Kingsley shows up.

And yet the administration just found 375 times that much money (in the couch cushions, I expect) to throw away trying to prop up a faltering economy. Their question, “But how will we pay for it?” is shorthand for, “But we don’t want to pay for it!”

“What if there is a vaccine for the coronavirus but President Trump is the only one who has it?”

I stopped paying any attention to Discovery when they aired that reprehensible “Megalodon” “documentary”.  The amount of sheer unadulterated bullshit that created was just insane.  There are still people coming into the museum at which I volunteer asking about it, convinced that it’s real. 

These days it’s mostly lip service. I’m a supervisor, so my bosses tell the whole department, “Use your sick time whenever you need to! You need to get healthy, don’t worry about the office!”

Concrete saw?

God dammit.  The only good thing about having Ted Cruz as a senator is that means he’s not here in Texas for long stretches of time.  Now we have to put up with him in person.

“How did Pietsch think this is a good idea?”

Welcome to Texas, and I’m sorry.  You’re not alone, I promise! 

Most of them are probably fake. I’d bet 50+% are bots bought by the RNC or his publicist to drive his numbers up.

Cars in America rust.

“How many people are interested in a 15-year-old’s butthole?”

Bradley aside (and kudos for bringing up one of my favorite movies ever), it’s like everyone in procurement forgot what happened the last time we tried this. The F-111 got built as a single solution to everybody’s problems, and it ended up not doing anything well except letting the RAAF do burnouts at air shows.

Thank you!  Exactly!  The point of caring for your books is that so you can hand them down, exchange them, or sell to a second-hand bookstore so that others can enjoy them too.  All this does is exchange a minor convenience for the loss of a durable good.  Congratulations, you made something into trash.

“Not only am I smarter than you for reading all these big important-looking and intellectual books, I found away to deliberately push everyone’s buttons by tearing them in half in a performative manner, showing them off, and reveling in the negative attention in the hopes of parlaying this into social media fame! 

Well we know he ain’t no Dapper Dan man.