Hey, Mr. Aardvark has plenty of good policy experience!
Hey, Mr. Aardvark has plenty of good policy experience!
“Some advisers thought this was a bad idea, but they could not dissuade him”
New Money versus Old Money. It’s a tale as old as time.
I see getting in a high-end car in your house clothes as kind of a statement of wealth. “Not only am I rich enough to afford this car, I am rich enough not to take it seriously.” (stolen from Douglas Adams)
I get more of a Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh vibe.
“Dr. Wiemi Douoguih”
You see “thumb”, I see “uncircumcised penis”.
“Why didn’t you say that before?!”
Lambics are beers, and don’t have to contain fruit. The defining factor is natural fermentation with wild yeasts. Fruit lambics are probably the most common style, yes, but natural lambics and gueuze are available too.
I’m not a football fan, but my kid is, so I watched the game with him. About midway though the third, I asked the question, “Does every team that plays against the Pats just somehow forget that Edelman is on the roster? Does he have the power of invisibility until right before the snap?” How does anyone allow him to…
To raise their own valuation. “Look how big a market we can reach now! We need an infusion of VC to expand our services! We’re taking over the whole gosh-darn thing!”
Because the only thing the buyer wants is the name. Gut the organization, sell the shell, take your golden parachute and run.
But if he takes his mistress, orders wine, and writes it off as “business consulting services”? $300 minimum.
Re: Kingsbury.
Never apologize for pedantry! How else are we going to learn?
That stood out to me too! That has to be a typo, right? He really said “being paid to go out and NOT work”? He can’t possibly have given away the game that blatantly.
My submission for the Trump administration’s theme song:
God dammit, you GOP tools. Stop making me regret having a beard.
One of my proudest parenting moments came on a trip up to Turner Falls in southern Oklahoma. We had just crossed the state line and one of those “Which will you choose?” billboards appeared. My younger son read it and replied, “I haven’t decided yet.”
While I like the idea, I think the end result of that would be a positive answer to the question, “Is it possible for a TV show to generate a negative rating number?”