
So, women should just automatically assume that all men will violate their trust? And if a woman doesn't assume that men are going to violate her trust, and she sends him a nude picture, it is equally her fault when the man, due to his untrustworthy nature, posts it on the internet?

You disgrace the legacy of Riot Grrls using that name to post this comment. Why do you want to make Kathleen Hannah cry? Why?

And that, there, is why I am no longer sleeping with men.

I imagine men like you are just pissed you can rape and kill women with impunity anymore.

I will ask you for nudes/anal/cumshots and basically every other demeaning and/or painful thing I can think of. I will do it for your entire life. Nearly every other man on the planet will act the same as me. Every man you come in contact with will ask you for something you don’t want to give, and we will shout at

On one hand I do not want to sound like I am encouraging teens of any gender to send nudes of themselves but CAT DAMMIT what is with the rampant prudishness in this country lately? Girls who send nudes need counseling???Do they think that this is some new damned thing that just started happening??? Assholes.

hahaha, what. A girl sends one boy her nudes...he shares them all over because men are the worst...and they want to prosecute the girl too??? I mean...she got her taste of the real world in that men will take it upon themselves to shame and humiliate you for any minor infraction (even if they asked you to do it),

I have given my teenager the “The internet is forever, and don’t take naked pics” speech so many times, she rolls her eyes preemptively now at the first syllable. Still, I’d rather annoy the crap out of her now than have to help her put her life back together later because she trusted the wrong guy.

First of all:

That’s actually true. Every MRA type I’ve met is still obsessed with high school, even the ones in their 30s.

Uhhhmmm. No, MRAs. No.
The girls made a poor judgment call (which isn’t surprising, because teenagers), but they didn’t do anything immoral/unethical/illegal(???maybe illegal, I think pornography of yourself when you’re underage might be illegal). The boys DID do something immoral/unethical/and def. illegal, which is

In this ever-changing media landscape, just remember: don’t post someone else’s nudes. Even if they send them to you in a way that can be saved forever. Don’t post them. That’s what douchebags are for.

Yo, MRAs, your wahmbulance is here.

This guys answers aren't even vaguely coherent. Was he stoned when you called or is he really like this?

Well, mostly because you’re mixing up two very different situations.

Yes, they’re moody and rambunctious. Yes, they do dumb shit and sometimes they are awful bigots...BUT sometimes they’re also incredibly sweet and caring and can look past social constructs and just be cool with people who are different.

...why. So we’re sure that Adam Sandler didn’t sneak in and vandalize their menu board?

OH MY GOD they need to up their daily special naming game.

I’m not really the hugest fan of this new paradigm of judging an entire film based on a poster, or a still, or a production still. Everything on the Internet is either “BEST EVAR!!!11” or “worst episode ever” and this type of quick reaction with little substance isn’t really doing much to improve discourse.