Because of the stampede, the Kid ended up with only 4 eggs. He did better than his cousins who ended up with nothing but some lady felt sorry for them so she shells out 2 eggs for the cousins (gee thanks lady).
Because of the stampede, the Kid ended up with only 4 eggs. He did better than his cousins who ended up with nothing but some lady felt sorry for them so she shells out 2 eggs for the cousins (gee thanks lady).
Except Fridays — her every Friday is pizza/movie night.
No, she gives her monthly breakdown of expenses and it says four pizzas for the month.
I’m amazed that she gets a meal for seven out of a single take-and-bake cheese pizza. How does that work?
My dislike of this guy grows every time he opens his mouth. I can’t believe he thought this was an okay thing to do. :|
1. My dad was for a few years. He spent hours and hours just staring across a table at another person, apparently to reach some level of personal enlightenment? I dunno. It was the 70's.
I'm really frightened for her. She's either being held prisoner in one of their scary compounds... or worse. :|
Holy shit. How is Amazon even selling that instruction manual for abuse?
There weren't 8,000 stranger abductions. The vast majority of missing children have been abducted by a non-custodial parent or family member.
I wonder which one was more dangerous to their teenagers — the six year old or the toddler?
"Often women who grew up in blue-collar families grew up in class conditions that were really unstable, and what we know about growing up in those conditions is sometimes people internalize a feeling that the world is an unstable place, that bad things could happen at any moment."
It's like a magic phrase, isn't it?
There's absolutely no excuse for snapping "JUST COOK 'EM UP!!" at your server.
And you deserve them! I wish I had a second account to go back and give you MORE upvotes for that.
That's what my husband's extended family used to do... but then it devolved into everyone just handing each other $40 gift cards and they eventually decided to just forget the whole thing.
I was in the 6th grade and had been invited to my first slumber party at a new school. The host asked us to bring board games, so I brought my Ouija board. I thought it would be great fun — and it was, until one of the girls started wailing about Jesus and hell and her eternal soul etc etc etc. This escalated into her…
It wasn't too long ago that "The Cosbys" were America's favorite family.
Don't forget the Great Defender of Eggman from a few weeks ago!