Ivey West

“at some point the production team were considering that Snoke could be a female—which would rule out the male Plagueis pretty quickly, and the fact that it was under consideration does seem to imply that there isn’t any real link between the two villains.”

See also: Finding Carter (at least the first season).

I would love it if she just said Frak. Not particularly accurate, but a way around it and a nod to the show the Expanse is trying to live up to.

In my head, they made due with what they had. They specifically mentioned the fleet being elsewhere, which implied there are more resources out there.

I read that scene differently, in that scene was in the past, and represented whatever cataclysm that sent Luke into hiding (Though, in retrospect, it’s much more likely that Ben/Kylo flipped, killed whomever he killed and THEN built a mask and a following ...)

Or on Felicity before that...

You’d think Han and Leia would know they had a daughter.

The point made elsewhere in this thread is that it isn’t much of a secret, and they’re far from the only company doing.

I’m pretty sure it’s used in TPM for Obi-Wan at the end of his duel with Darth Maul.

I noticed that it was a big, familiar piece of music, but confirmed the source this morning listening to the new score.

“I also think it was filled with too many coincidences”

I think it spoke to just how untrained/inexperienced he was. He’s no Vader.

It’s great because at first blush, my reaction was: They knew each other for like 30 minutes. Then I remember that Finn probably never had a real friend, and that Poe fricking named him.

The only way Ren/Rey could be sisters is if Leia and Han don’t know she’s alive; considering the implications that Ren flipped on Luke and [might have] killed his Padawans, it is possible that Luke could have lied to his sister and Han by telling them Rey (Padme?) was dead.

From a plot perspective, what jumps out? I mean, the whole series has always been based on too-impossible coincidences, so that’s nothing new.

Then there’s the slightly less obvious [or direct] evidence, the use of the “Force Theme” in the score when she and Maz are talking after the flashes. The theme was in the original Star Wars score in the Binary Suns piece, and is generally associated with Luke during the original trilogy (and Obi-Wan during the

How about a different line of questioning:

Two things jump out at me as comparable:

