Ivey West

Unless you’re the one in meetings going out of the way to ask questions in meetings just to seem smarter to your bosses.

I know every experience is different, but I’ve run into none of the problems you’ve mentioned re: Plex.

To be fair ... it isn’t that Plex is charging you $5/mo for their XB1 client, it’s that the XB1 client is in their early release/beta window (which, admittedly, is normally pretty long) and that’s a benefit of being a Pass member.

“so using plex in your home is 100% free”

I stand (erm ... sit in my less-than-comfortable office chair) corrected :)

I stand corrected. I didn’t remember that :(

Read the comics, though admittedly some time ago.

Yeah, I hate it when they pull stuff out of their ...

“decent justification”

Oddly, the first year I attended NerdHQ, I caught a discussion with Lindelof and Seth Grahame-Smith on their failures. I think it’s still on YouTube.

Totally a mental problem. Twice have I gotten a large fish oil caplet stuck in my throat. Scariest damn thing.

Wait ...

Not withstanding trying to stay out of the way of their biggest film franchise, if Supes shows up, then the show stops being about Kara.

Yeah, I’m sure it’s Berlanti’s fault that Superman isn’t on TV.

FWIW, I don’t think it was NEARLY as bad as everyone says it was.

Other than seeing it does have BT 4.0, I don’t know what to say as I’m not as familiar with Android-based products.

Haven’t had to turn off BT on my phone in years. Connected to my watch all day, speaker when I’m showering and my stereo when in my truck. Does your phone have BT4?

Arthurian stories are very closely tied with the Holy Grail.

I must have missed that there was a shape-shifter playing Mohinder.