Ivey West

Oh God, I hate PFT with a passion that burns like infinite suns.

I get that it is fun to hate on Snyder, but this post is the kind of reason I rarely visit Deadspin these days.

So, because Ron Glass and J. August Richards showed up in the pilot, you now spend every episode looking for more?

Why not just catch the cast list in advance and actually enjoy watching?

Not regular cast, at least not yet. She's only joining for an arc ... for now.

Exactly. I think the way Hunger Games changed during the the last two books was very similar, though Collins presented it much better.

I thought the Maze Runner series got off to a phenomenal start, but went off the rails in the second book and by the third had completely abandoned everything that made the first book good.

Actually, this didn't bother me at all — other than their deaths in general, as they were supposed to.

Huh. I didn't know that. I haven't had any trouble with Siri recognizing me since I switched it (her?) to Australian.

Do they really think that 2 10 episode seasons a year is a good way to build viewership?

So, Corrie from Tomorrow, When the War Began could be in the Star Wars flicks? I have no problem with that potential casting.


Just out of idle curiosity ... would there be anything in Private Internet Access's process that would specifically block/disable torrents from TPB?

Expect to see her team up with Matt and a few other kids in order to fight back.

It's really a function of the quality of the charger. I'm very specific to get a 5v, 10-watt charger, and I've never had a problem since.

A fair point. I made mine poorly. I doubt that "generations of inbreeding" would have occurred by that point.

It's only been about 100 years. "Generations" is a bit of a stretch :)

But then you've completely missed the point. TWC didn't make the film, they're just distributing it in the States.

Not necessarily genre, but ER went through several oscillations of Great-Good-Bad-Good-Almost Great-Bad-Good and on and on...

I've never been able to wrap my head around the idea that there are people who exist that consider the first season of Buffy good.