Ivey West

Count me in the small (but strong) group that loved SGU from the moment it aired (I was not previously an SG fan).

I guess my continued holding out of hope that Mia Kirshner would still be on Defiance next year is just a fool's game.

So, we basically agree?

Disagree completely.

Perhaps, but TWC cutting the film for US release almost guarantees that I won't see it in theatres, but wait for the inevitable original-cut DVD release.


Or the actual Hunger Games-esque show the CW did (finally) pick up, The (don't you dare say "one") Hundred?

Installed Wunderlist because of this post, but didn't get around to using it until now because SDCC got in my way.

One of the main reasons I continue to use Adium is specifically because it supports Growl. In fact, the only program in my daily workflow that doesn't is Tweetbot, and it drives me up the wall.

Yes Growl. I still find it considerably better than OSX's built in Notifications. In fact, if TweetBot was plugged into Growl, I would be able to completely turn Notifications Off.

I prefer Alfred to Quicksilver and Transmission to uTorrent, but this is a really good list. Other than those two, I use probably ever recommended app (if I have a need in that particular category).

Yeah, I totally said that wrong.

The ratings back me up on this assertion, but I think SGU was significantly better than any Stargate property that came before it.

Not at all. The Spike years didn't overlap with Lilah. Lilah was awesome.

Seconded. Children of Earth was amazing.

True, because if I remembered my laptop, I brought the cable. There's always one in my laptop bag.

If you're able to remember to bring your wall charger, you're likely able to remember your cable :)

Good for you! I did Couch to 5K this spring and loved it. I did have that feeling of impending "I've got to figure out something new" when the first race was over, and I've shifted to a combination of Treadmill/Rowing Machine/Track Running three times a week. One of my big disappointments in the C25K program — with

Pre-teen me feel in love with pre-teen Nicole Kidman in that movie :)