woah, a little needless rae there. I pretty sure he was just making a joke to go along with the article & gif.
woah, a little needless rae there. I pretty sure he was just making a joke to go along with the article & gif.
I never realized how much of a gap Jamie Foxx has in his front upper teeth until this GIF.
Even better is that all the DLC from LBP1 transfers over to LBP2. My kids still love those games to this day.
I just love the look on Mike's face when he bites into the waffle taco. Somewhere between "What the hell is this?" and "Can I spit it out yet?"
Hey so I'm NOT the only one that lives in Omaha! And here I thought the rest of the gaming world had forgotten about Fly-Over country...
lets not forget that that's always the inch that has NOTHING in it. No veggies, no meat, no condiments. Plus it's usually starting to get dry & crusty by the time you get to it.
I dunno... their sandwiches ARE about as long as my foot...
I think the lack of any identifying features (eye color, hair, skin tone) makes the models all the more creepy...
Since I'm going to guess it's coming out on XBO and/or PS4 they'll be working with a new hardware system. With the CoD series, the system architecture was already fairly well known. It's also unknown what type of engine they'll use to power the game as a whole so there's time needed to adapt an engine to new hardware…
Lol I thought the exact same thing. Apparently the guy was taking the Obi-Won approach to getting thru security.
Well now I know. Blame my Army grunt life.
Now that you mention it, it looks like Attention as well as Parade Rest & At Ease (slight difference in placement of hands behind back for Laymen).
None for me. I can't stand Chicken & Waffles. I will give that the chips tasted exactly like it, which was cool, but I still hate the flavor. Sriracha is still my favorite.
heart attack. No... wasted gym membership? Oh oh oh, Fun House Mirror (the ones that make you look skinny or fat(ter) depending on how far you stand from it)
I think Imperial Stig could give Han a challenge on the Kessel Run...
I loved the female Quail Man at the end. Ah the cartoons of my childhood.
oh god, that 80's Bowie hair...
As far as gaming goes, PC numbers are always kind of strange. Many "serious" PC gamers use generally higher end or custom rigs (myself included) VS the average gamer simply going to Walmart/Best Buy/Circuit City/"Fill In Your Store Here", walking up to the electronic counter & saying "I want to play Game X. Which…