
Well count me on the Sony side here. I prefer the feel of the PS3 controller over the 360 controller. That said, I am happy to see the sticks will finally be concave & the triggers having a lip to them.

I dunno... if I see Civ 5: Brave new World DLC go on sale then I'll definitely grab it... Otherwise, yeah, not much I'm too interested in playing/buying this time...

Apparently he's taking the Brett Farve approach to retirement. Wonder how long until he shows up on another affiliate...

True games haven't always been goods. Arcades were often priced as a service as they had all the equipment & software on site. Home gaming, however, have only recently changed from goods to services with the explosion of high-speed/always-on internet. Especially since I have to purchase certain required equipment in

No you can't copy & sell the copies. That would fall under copyright law & to a certain extent, plagiarism.

I can hear the cries now: "But even 1 person is too much violence! God loves everyone! Down with hate!" Apparently the anti-game industry is taking the California approach to cancer-causing agents (ie, everything that ever has been or will be created) & applying it to video game violence.

To be honest, the poster doesn't say these are the only versions of Sup in the game. I recall seeing in a previous article that Super Boy was included too. I'd think it's safe to assume Steel would make an appearance. Personally, I want to see Eradicator or one of the other Super Clones.

First, you can't simply assume that since the gamers YOU know don't like/play any of the FF series doesn't mean that any meaning percentile of the whole shares the same interest. Following your reasoning, I know several people that hate the CoD series therefore most Americans hate CoD. See? We know that doesn't work

It's because FFXI came out before Microsoft changed the cross-platform policy for games. Any game that came out before was Grandfathered in & was exempt from the policy change.

oh good point. Judging from the helmets in these clips, I'd say this WAS dino thunder. Well, there's our Tommy.

he's probably talking of the original 5 rangers. Plus, Tommy was at one point, the red ranger. But it was well after he was the green or white rangers. Heh, sad that I remember all that....

Personally I'm really enjoying AoT. The pace can be a little uneven at times, but I really enjoy seeing the characters grow & interact. The action scenes are intense and feel like they're over almost as fast as they start, which I also like if only because then I don't have to sit for 3 episodes watching someone

I agree with Kellen. 4Da, exactly what 3rd party games are you talking about that look better on the 360? I've sat with my own brother, an admited xbox fanboy, and compared multiple games on his 360 then loaded up my PS3 on his own tv. Except for a select few that were trying to capitalize on the success of XBox

Then why was New Vegas included? It was marketed as a spin-off of Fallout 3.

Need more USB power? Solved that problem already...

Yeah, I wasn't sure either until closer to the end of the photo shoot. Not hating or anything, just saying it was tough to tell from still photos & that Damien is a rather gender-neutral name. Congrats on the happy wedding! I'm still looking for the Rogue to my Caster. I know she's out there somewhere...

that sounds more like old WoW. I'm thinking back to the golden SH2 & early RE days. Granted it was annoying having to have the perfect angle to open a briefcase or always having to find some stupid special key on the other side of the map. I do miss those old creepy atmospheres...

Oh definitely a survival-horror game. There is so much lore in Native American societies. Just think, they could do an amazing RW-based version of Silent Hill: Alaska. I would totally play that.

This would have been even more impressive if it had been built around that full size X-Wing we saw a few weeks back...

Here, here. My last major upgrade set me back about $500 only because I upgraded my motherboard, CPU, RAM, & OS all at once. Other than that, a basic upgrade of just the CPU & video card only costs a $200-$300 if you're just looking at matching the current console gen systems. Double if you want to blow it out of the