
this isn't really "cosplay culture". it's " cosplay as marketing "

How did it get so dusty in here?

Yep welcome to our world PS4 users. We get ports that are basically console level graphics, sometimes worse (buggy and whatnot).

Not a fan of madden but this ad was brilliant.

I'll be honest, even as a long-time sounds like a generic English accent to this American.

That review is completely false and outdated now. Hell, he event got a few things wrong during his original review either way. It had some merit when the game came out, but now it's nothing like it's being described here.

damned if he does damned if he doesn't if he denies it and fights it ppl will assume he is lying if he dosen't people assume he did it and feels guilty because in the court of public opinion if you are accused of a sex crime you are guilty. remember that case from the 80's the family that ran a day care that got

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person

He's not trying to start a conversation about consent, he's trying to make a response to an accusation that he sexually assaulted someone.

For the most part it's

Things I hated

Better than that SHITTY World War Z book? Yup.

In the 90s I used to love going into game stores. Not only would I find games I had been meaning to get at a reduced price, but I could also talk to the staff about games.


I swear I'm not trolling with this one. I guess I'm usually more well researched with my game purchases, but bought into the CoD-hype and was shocked to find, it was just terrible crap. My perspective on the gaming majority was forever changed.

MMO with sub is WAY better than any other model. GW sucks, every F2P MMO Costs more than 15 a month and, every MMO that has gone F2P puts all added content behind a pay wall. Games cost 60 new these days a d 15 a month is the norm for any decent MMO.


USA - more scared of openly acknowledging/discussing sex and politics than murder, violence and rape.

This explains why suicide bombers were screaming "Leeroy Jenkins" as they ran towards their targets!

From FOX:
The irresponsible behavior exhibited by a young man who's tarnished brain robbed him of all common sense shown today is appalling. The subject showed ignorance of danger, while simultaneously disrespecting the elderly by forcing him out of his house.