Can't forget the controls designed around a controller. Some games' UIs do not translate well without a controller (I'm looking at you, default Skyrim UI...)
Can't forget the controls designed around a controller. Some games' UIs do not translate well without a controller (I'm looking at you, default Skyrim UI...)
Microtransactions, shit. That Real Life MMO is entirely Pay 2 Win. Between the greedy publishers (likely secretly either EA or Zynga) & the lead developer, God, never fixing any of the bugs. I mean, look at that death penalty! Hell I can't even PvP or PK without some huge debuffs that can only be purged if you use you…
Agreed. HL3 memes aside, I agree with both points. Worst case is it comes out to be another DNF *shudder*
Sure the lightshow isn't quite as impressive in real life as it is in the add, and the "six button" description is a bit off. The point is this is a gaming mouse, it only costs $20, and there's no way you could accidentally get it mixed up with someone else's mouse at a LAN party. Also, it points at things on your…
The lesson? Don't fucking swat people. Ever. It's massively dangerous and irresponsible.
75% is 3/4 of total people. Top 10 choices minus Valve is 9, square root of 9 is 3. Half-Life 3 confirmed!
Ah my mistake then. I didn't notice that picture.
For those who are curious, check out how the 650 ml jumbo-size stacks up to a small, medium, and large at McDonald's in Japan.
Specifically it was Green Kryptonite that Supes is weak against. There are other colors that have different effects.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall the "Eternal Blue Complete" version actually being the remaster Lunar 2 version (Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete), not L:EB. Unless GameArts redid both & I only ever found part 2 (entirely possible in those days of imports). Sorry to quibble over such a small detail,…
Shift+click will allow you to select a RANGE, while CTRL+ Click will let select/deselect INDIVIDUAL titles.
Definitely beats out my 229.
I'm going to guess that you're focusing more on OTM's apparent negative outlook on intentional dating. I'm also not the author but I AM in a virtually identical life (divorced due to deployment, 30's, single, occasional friends that insist I'd be happier w/ "Someone"), just without the negativity towards dating. I've…
Yeah, it had a rough launch. The NDA really hampered the players that wanted it to succeed when the haters started leaking everything. There was a lot of negative pub & hate before release. For anyone curious about it, I like to compare it to Two Worlds, but done right... It's marketed as a TES MMO but it's really…
Or you can pay $20, get a white horse at level 1, a new race that you can play in any alliance, & the ability to convert any gear you find to the Imperial Style.
yeah, I could see that actually being discussed. I've talked it over with various guildies every time a show or expo comes around.
Honestly, I think they all 3 look like giant Man-Sized dildos...