
Thank you! Its unfortunate that it takes a heinous act of violence for people to stand up, take notice, and begin to change things (often over-reacting in the process).

Re-Elect Regan FTW! /sarcasm

Hmm, looks like only $35ish on the US site. Plus it's marked as Now Available. Guessing Japan has a slight price hike for it?

But if they know how much they've made off the game then, in theory, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out how many copies (physical or otherwise) they've sold. Amount made/cost of game=copies sold. Now I know there's some leeway in there for CEs & such, but even with the different "sales" sites have, the original

Unfortunately his Sneak is only around 50. And he should have used a potion of 100% Chameleon, not invisibility (latter breaks as soon as you interact with anything, former persists but is much more expensive)

If I recall, SE was expecting 5-6M. That 3.4M is likely worldwide & doesn't account for digital purchases. As a PC gamer primarily, the fact that game companies wouldn't count digital sales nowadays amazes me. Guess I'm just used to the PC world where we have few little actual physical copies presented to us.

VERY much agreed. The VOX-based voice system is annoying especially since so many people use mumble/Vent/TS/etc. When I muted the voice I realised that it also muted ALL chat; clan & group included. So that's definitely a bug that needs fix ASAP.

I'm actually having quite a bit of fun in Defiance. I don't understand all the hate that it seems to be getting. I think a lot of people are hearing MMO and automatically assuming RPG like Rift, WoW, Guild Wars, etc. While it is an MMO. While it is indeed an MMO, its mostly an MMOTPS (Third Person Shooter). Not a

Nothing like hi-def to realise just how ugly his nose really is.

As part of the Hitman series, yes I was very disappointed in it. I couldn't put my finger on why, but H:A just couldn't hold my attention as well as the older ones did. I know the online psuedo-multiplayer portion kinda tacked on right away (I was hoping for something akin to AC's multiplayer). Maybe if H:A had

With all the steroids he took to get this big, he, sadly, now has balls the size of chic peas.

Following SMR's line of thinking, the entire internet is actually a facade for building profiles of every person that ever has, does, or will use the internet; that every web company actually just exists to collect private info for the NSA. The majority of private info is just that, private. If you actually READ the

so... new villian is apparently the Easter Bunny?

"We're really glad the (former) employee found this great piece of electronics history for us. Unfortunately, his refusal to follow corporate policy cannot be tollerated & an example must be made to the rest of our minions... err... valued employees..."

It does, but it's a very unforgiving kind of stealth. A lot of memorizing route paths, quick saves/loads, & shear RAGE moments.

You, Sir, are an amazing human being. Hmm... I'm hesitant to post my email on a kotaku thread (for semi-obivous reasons). I am also on Steam with the same ID Tag, so check for me there.

really?! That'd be awesome. I'd say in addition to what's here: Back full body shot, full legs front/back, boots front/back, Closer shot of dagger assembly on belt. Umm... Anything else you could think of on site. Not as worried about the bow. Shots here give me a great view for dimensions.

toilet? Oh Loo. Stupid fingers. Been doing that a lot more often lately (missing/forgetting keystrokes) *LOOK*

Well at least these shots will make it a little easier to make a new cosplay outfit before the game comes out. If only I could a closer loo at the legs too...

I love the Ring's description. +10 Melee Damage.