
If you are indeed that old, then count me in the same boat with you. I remember playing practically every TR game out there & I'm only 30 now.

The Bald guy in the stage adaptation looks like George Carlin while he was sitting down...

wait... what the hell is that under his tunic in the Legend screen shot?! Does he have elephantitis of the nuts or something?

Well if it was from Nick Fury & Formula-related, I'd have to go with the Infinity Formula that Fury himself takes. If I recall correctly it grants a temporary healing ala Wolverine, except much slower. Original Fury is said to have fought along side Cap & Wolfie in WW2 afterall. Tough to say with the movie version of

it definitely made me go hunt for my old Planescape disc. Sadly I couldn't find it & just re-purchased it on GoG.

Hmm, a "Gamer NRA" huh? Why does that fill me with terror? Also, I don't see how the the NSSF being HQ'd in Newtown is hilarious. Strange happenstance maybe, but not hilarious. In the end I do agree with your last paragraph. I think Games vs Guns, the ESRB is more like the NSSF. ESRB also "tries" to stay out of

So the game series that is essential just a long chain of $60 expansions & DLC is coming out with DLC? That makes this, what? CoD Z.Alpha.3? Nope, can't see why most Kotaku readers don't seem to care...

Haters gonna hate; trolls gotta troll. Personally, I like my PS3 controller WAY more than my 360 controller. I have small hands so having to stretch my thumb farther up on the 360 controller wears it out quicker. If only sdome 3rd party developer would figure out a way to make a controller that you could flip the

I agree, I like the visible disc model the best. As for the glass/see-thru one, I can't forsee that one being it at all. Especially on the controller aspect, just think about the internal wiring. That controller would require either each side to have independant wiring, or some sort or IR/light-based data Xfer between

Exactly! The PSN vs XBL is part of the reason I happily moved from XBox to PS3. I don't play a whole lot of console games online as I'm mostly a PC player. But the few games I do play on it, I don't want to have to pay another fee no matter what the term length. paying $10 after you buy a used game I'm ok with. Now I

Exactly! The PSN vs XBL is part of the reason I happily moved from XBox to PS3. I don't play a whole lot of console games online as I'm mostly a PC player. But the few games I do play on it, I don't want to have to pay another fee no matter what the term length. paying $10 after you buy a used game I'm ok with. Now I

UPDATE: So as of 22:55 CDT, George Leutz is at 36MIL & 84+ hours. Sounds like he's broken it.

"'ll be able to do stuff like link two soccer goals, an action plate, confetti cannons and a boombox all together to make a minigame that celebrates with explosions and music every time someone scores a goal."

This is one feature I hope drops off. The "Mandatory" Kinect adapter. I know MS is trying to cash in as much as they can on the "new" interactive gaming and all, but this might be going TOO far in the Wii direction. What's next? CoD requires you to stand & take a combat stance to play? Actually... that would make it

Below is still my favorite Portal homage. TLDR, Xmas tree upside-down, peak on ceiling.

Like everyone has said, think Gauntlet for kids. My kids love it & it's a simple & fun 2-player family game. Keep in mind that it's target audiance is kids around 6-10 years old or just getting into video games.

I had to look over at my 16 year old kid sister. "What are YOU doing with your life? Huh? HUH?!"

I can already see where this is leading... "Video games don't kill people..." Honestly I have to admit that the direction we're heading in absolutely terrifies me. Personally, I think this would all be solved if society wasn't so Touchy-Feely "Everyone's a winner" these days. Particiapation ribbons are dumb & only

That's part of the trade off with the new All-Digital world we live in now. Steam has been this way since the beginning & we PC gamers have slowly just kinda gotten used to it. We don't like it any less, but we at least accept it.

I must say, that last bit with the dog made me LOL harder than I have in a long time. Thank you for that /whipes tear from eye