Donté Stallworth Driving School

This sucks. And, with the ending of Best Buy’s program and nerfing of the GameStop elite membership, there are no more solid options for saving when buying games.

I don’t know what the margins are on games for retailers, but if there’s room to make money while providing a discount I hope that an existing company or a

This sucks. And, with the ending of Best Buy’s program and nerfing of the GameStop elite membership, there are no

How can you not crank up the opening to Sweet Emotion, roll down the windows, put the pedal to the floor and not have a huge fucking smile on your face? 

That’s rich.  The left all of a sudden becomes a strong advocate for states’ rights?  Maybe Trump should talk about raising taxes and curbing 2A rights and they’ll be against those too. 

The mental gymnastics necessary to actually believe these tweets are “jokes” and not what they truly are - overt, unapologetic racism - is absolutely staggering.

How would you rate it in its current iteration? It got absolutely panned when it launched, so I’m still a little hesitant to make the purchase. At $10 it’s not exactly a huge investment, but I have to ask: is it worth it or am I better served putting that $10 towards another game?

How would you rate it in its current iteration? It got absolutely panned when it launched, so I’m still a little

Both the Mistborn and Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson are fantastic. They’re some of the best modern fantasy out there. Sanderson is so deft with his world-building it’s uncanny.

>Marvel favorites

Machine Gun Blues is a personal favorite of theirs.

Doesn’t the Prime pre-order discount also apply to games within 2 weeks of their release? Have they changed the policy to only apply strictly to pre-orders?

Doesn’t the Prime pre-order discount also apply to games within 2 weeks of their release? Have they changed the

The series has always interested me, but the beta did not do much to bring me into the fold. So many menus, options, and items with no explanation on how to use them, a clunky, frantic camera that made fights dizzying, and a seemingly one-note premise: follow the glow bugs and whack this one thing with a sword until

“Worldwide gameplay reveal of Black Manta Sunday, May 27th @ 4pm Pacific Time”

Uhh, what??? They aren’t releasing the first of these three fighters until EIGHT MONTHS from now?! Please tell me this is a typo.

I think its a good thing that we didn’t see an abundance of new IPs. Over the past years the major studios have been churning out more and more disappointments due to the breakneck pace of their release schedules.

Half Life 3 finally being confirmed.

Thank you. I haven’t played any of the current block, and didn’t realize there were cards that granted additional energy. Makes perfect sense now.

I would be willing to bet there’s a gear set for the Arkham Knight.

There are several selling for $14.95 on Amazon and are Prime shipping eligible. I’m thinking this could be a great way to teach my wife how to play.

Can someone explain to me how you would be able to pull an Ulamog on turn 4 using Marvel? I understand how it allows you to cast a card from the top 6 (one of which could be Ulamog), but I dont see how youd be able to acquire the 6 energy counters necessary to activate Marvel the instant it is summoned. I know Im

Its cool that theyre featuring this unique element of the Russian Army during WWI, but this comes off as pandering to get more women to play a game genre that is predominantly populated with males.