Donté Stallworth Driving School

I’m a Cavs, Browns, and Indians fan.  Go ahead and prove every Boston fan stereotype correct.

You’re only allowed to wear gloves when deadlifting if they match your purse. 

So are you saying I can call GameStop to pre-order Battletoads?

He was the man then, dog


Coaches named John Cooper don’t exactly have a great track record dealing with Columbus-related pressure.

I’ve never been more confident in anything than I am in Jordan Rodgers being at least three of these anonymous sources.

In a follow-up blog post on Bioware’s site, executive producer Mark Darrah says “While we won’t be sharing any details for now, I can tell you we have been building a new team around a core of Dragon Age veterans, people I’ve worked with on Dragon Age, Jade Empire, and some of whom I’ve worked with since the Baldur’s

Came here looking for Tombstone... Val Kilmer, Kurt Russell, Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton... You can’t lose.


You got mud on your face, you big disgrace, shoving those sandwiches into your face singing, We Will, We Will Rowsdower

“I wonder if there’s beer on the sun...”

I’m looking to get into Pathfinder myself and what really pushed me over the edge into spending money was the Humble Pathfinder Bundle... specifically the Beginner Box. It’s an amazing bundle that has everything I feel I’ll need to get started. The reviews say the same thing.

Yo, old-time DM here. So in answer to your question, two players playing one character each is perfectly fine, in fact might be advisable, to start of with. I would encourage you to take a look through the DMG first, especially the parts about planning and running a game.
D&D can be amazing if you get the right group

I would recommend jumping on Roll20. They have groups specifically catering towards newbies.

I once watched a top notch documentary about a coach who faced a similar predicament. I believe it was called “Hoosiers.” The important thing is Drills. He should make them do lots of Drills. Well, first he should kick a coupla showboat types off the team and then run drills. Drills where they dribble between chairs,