Donté Stallworth Driving School

Red Head Hypertension

Twisted Metal 2. Really, I just want a new TM game.

Butthole chin

Isaiah Thomas (their single most valuable player since Bird, fight me)

Paul Pierce?

Roller Champions aka Break me off a piece of that Rocket League pie

“M-m-m-m-make it so.”

Lost Odyssey was a ton of fun. That Sea of Baus boss was a bastard, though. Blow through all your potions and mana to kill him only to find you have to fight another one. Woof. Also, that part where you had to use Mack was fun. I recall not having used him once at that point, so I had to go back to the early areas and

I know Shuns have fallen out of favor with a lot of the knife community in recent years, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to grab a Shun Premier 7" Santoku. It was on sale at Crate and Barrel and I was able to get an additional 30% off making it a sub-$100 purchase.

I’m not experienced with proper sharpening, so

I know Shuns have fallen out of favor with a lot of the knife community in recent years, but I couldn’t pass up the

About how often should one sharpen a knife like this?

About how often should one sharpen a knife like this?

Twizzlers are for plebs and troglodytes. They taste like plastic and are the fare of window lickers the world over.

Red Vines are for sophisticates and those with triple-digit IQs. They have a actual flavor...that is excellent and is not commonly referred to as “like garbage” or “tasting like eating a Solo

Always looking for fun people to join up. Too few of my friends play Apex, and while entertaining, playing with randos is a bit chaotic.

If you want to learn and improve at the game at a casual pace, maybe get a win here or there, but, most importantly, have fun and not feel like you’re some albatross holding a team


Maybe a dumb question, but, how do I check if it’s being sold by Amazon or Amazon Digital Services?

Maybe a dumb question, but, how do I check if it’s being sold by Amazon or Amazon Digital Services?

Still a better business model than having to pay millions to Hulk Hogan.

You’re bagging on this guy for tweeting the most inoffensive, regular stuff. I get that you may not like him simply by virtue of him being the new or acting AG for Trump, but FFS can you not just let a dude be? This isn’t even worth reporting on, yet you prop this up to be some sort of reason for condemnation of the

Hey, Tim, what type of Ashwagandha do you take? I’ve tried both Sensoril and KSM-66 (both from Nootropics Depot) and preferred KSM. Am currently taking the Ash from Bulk Supplements and it’s great.

Also, do you stack yours with anything? I’m currently taking mine with Rhodiola Rosea w/ 3% Salidrosides (the 3% Rosavin

Now playing

No Tombstone?! You’re no daisy, Ashcraft. You’re no daisy at all.

All I can think of when I see this is that scene during the end credits of Step Brothers where Dale and Brendan pull out Chewbacca masks, but instead yell, “Witcher wigs!” with Cavill chuckle-muttering, “it’s ok that mine’s not movie quality.”

Buy me ANYTHING with Larry Csonka on it, I’ll pay you.