Donté Stallworth Driving School

The masks for Deadshot are excellent. Having a blast with this game so far. Single player content abounds, and the gear system is great to keep things feeling fresh.

You actually do play as Wonder Woman in story mode. Chapter 8 - Goddess of War.

Games in general need more of this. Let your team run with some oddball ideas and see how it’s received. Far too often are AAA games hamstrung by the fear of bosses to stray from the tried-and-true path, or the mandate from the C-suite to, above all else, maintain brand synergy, or absurd compulsion to shoehorn in

After reading this article, commenting on some other Kotaku D&D articles (received some stellar feedback...thanks to all who took the time to respond), and doing some general research about the game online I took the plunge yesterday with 2 friends at a D&D for Beginners event at a local board game bar. Loved it. We

I’ve decided that will be my first step. A local board game bar hosts Beginners D&D every Sunday, so that’s where I’m headed this week (hopefully a friend or two in tow) to get my bearings and see if it’s something I’d like to pursue as a hobby.

I like the look of the Thief. It’s plague-doctor-meets-deceased-Adam-Maitland-trying-to-spook-the-Deetzes.

Anime isn’t really my thing (although on a whim I put on One Punch Man on Netflix and found it pretty hilarious), and I’ve never played any of the previous Persona games. Normally, I wouldn’t give this a second thought as it doesn’t appear to be in my wheelhouse, but the hype surrounding this along with the praise for

Can we all agree that Petra and Nil are some of the best NPCs to show up in a game in a long time?

Your “How to Get Into D&D” article was actually what sparked my interest. I’ve always had a moderate fascination with it, but hadn’t actually considered playing. Loved reading articles about it, though. After reading the How To article I realized it’s something I would probably love playing.

I have never played D&D before, but am interested in giving it a shot. I have 2 friends who are down to try it out as well, but we don’t have anyone else who would have any interest whatsoever in even considering it. I know it’s possible to have a DM and 2 PCs, but is it ill-advised to start out that way. What about

You forgot

Missed opportunity. Should’ve been called A Midsummer Night’s Cream.

For anyone concerned about the real animal hunting being a slog or a time-wasting aside, here are a few things to note:

The idea of grinding to get a matched set of armor fills me with weariness, particularly given how rare some of them are.

But, can you play cs_mice_final?

That Andrew WK is actually a performance art persona played multiple people.

Ben Kenobi would not be getting on the shuttle Tydirium.

If this gets patched in for DLC I would love to see a “Hook, Line, and Sphincter” achievement for a perfectly placed ass shot.

They've both experienced significant losses in Dallas.