Donté Stallworth Driving School

@Boothwilkes John: Man, he called that a TD when he was on the seven. I give it 2 more minutes before they just shut his mic off.

@SavetoFavorites: I thought they would go with the: Martin Mull / Lego set / Justice William Rehnquist / "dirigible"

@MikeRotch: That photographer had to realize what he was doing when he cropped the pic like that...which is awesome.

Good call Dr. Pepper ad people. Because when I pick up a can of pop I want to be thinking about Fergie's filthy, meth-riddled, pie hole near it. If that commercial had been more realistic they would have showed one of her teeth falling into the can.

@The CFL Allstar: That's too bad. I'm sure some fans would have been standing with arms wide open had they been able to make the trip.

So, Switchfoot, huh? What? Did Fuel and Lifehouse turn this down?

@PolkPanther: I wouldn't hold my breath on the latter.

AGAIN with the "homerun" references. I don't think Brent knows where he's at.

@Maloik: Agreed. The lack of image-based posts providing a loose interpretation of the relatively-major portions of the event is really killing the vibe.