@shmendo: Haha! Threw that in there to see if people would notice. Didn't want to go with an obvious "Hanson" or "Spice Girls" song, and though this was the perfect WTF song that could possibly fly under the radar. Nice catch.
@shmendo: Haha! Threw that in there to see if people would notice. Didn't want to go with an obvious "Hanson" or "Spice Girls" song, and though this was the perfect WTF song that could possibly fly under the radar. Nice catch.
@tastes_like_burning:It was like a sticky bun mixed with meat. Is this normal?
@UweBollocks: I'll 2nd that. Had a similar thing happen to me, and I felt like a dick when I saw the sent date.
@Demon Deacon Blues: LISA, YOU ARE TEARING ME APART!!!!!
@JOHNballstotheWall: BEST. PART. OF. THE. SHOW.
@JohnnyDrinky: Like a fine Scotch or bourbon, Renaissance artwork, and virgins, The Wire is best enjoyed slowly and with a discerning palate.
@DrJamesAndrews: That's good.
@All Over But The Sharting: Those are my shoulderpads.
@Walk Off HBP: +1
@Demon Deacon Blues: Capacitors DUAN:
@paheadband10: Absolutely. If he was keeping it in his freezer you might as well disown him, and change your last name.
@All Over But The Sharting: I saw the discussion in another post about the slashies, and thought "Ohhhhhhh FUCK...Now Always Winning's reply makes a lot more sense."
@Bevraj of Choice: Another new profile pic? Who are you? Cher?
@Donte Stallworth Driving School: Ninjas, if you read this, I just found out about the toning down of slashies, and it was too late to edit the post.
@hugesunglasses: Now I hear this. After posting a 1, 2, and 3 slashie comment. Annnnd, it's too late to edit it.
@Robot Jerry Rice: If the street art culture interests you, then I think you'd definitely be into this movie.
@Bourbon_Meyer: Very, very well said.
@Julian Vargas: ETTGS will go unnoticed, yet Toy Story 3 will walk away with more Oscars than they can carry.