Donté Stallworth Driving School

@Bourbon_Meyer: My one gripe is that the French guy turns out to be such a goddamn tool. He just bit everyone else's style, and then acted like he was being original.


@I Like Cheap Beer: I like some - some - pop country tunes. Every once and a while one comes along that I really like.

@AintLifeGranderson: You think that's bad? You should read his book for men looking to get engaged:

is asking for your vote or your pants

@CBronsonSmile: Honestly, for my money, that is the single greatest television show ever created. It's tough picking a favorite season, but I'd have to say 1. The entire Barksdale plot is so damn good. The last season is probably my least favorite (but that's like saying A cups are my least favorite kind of tits.

@UweBollocks: Holy shit! I'm dying over here. It looks like he's literally trying to eat the floor.

@UweBollocks: I really miss Josta. That stuff was delicious.

@UweBollocks: Funny you should ask. Back in the late 90's through the early 2000's I was a boy band roadie. Not the proudest moment of my life, but it paid the bills, and I was damn good at it. Rain or shine, temps anywhere from below zero to 98 degrees, it didn't matter. I had a job to do.

@Steve U: I've played the flash version (I'm assuming it's not nearly the same as the full price Steam one), and it was a blast. I'll definitely have to pick that up ASAP.

Here's our Pei structure:

@All Over But The Sharting: If I could have engineered a four-year blackout about a decade ago, maybe I'd have a college degree.)