Donté Stallworth Driving School

@FavreFAIL: I think the completely believable "gorilla swinging" scene really tied the film together.

@Big_Sloppy: That's great. Huge Talking Heads fan, and I just checked out their cover of Burning Down the House...really good. Loved that the lead singer dressed up like David Byrne.

@Rainbow Bright: I'm thinking on something dark to start my evening before I head out.

@Clarence Rosario: Rather jealous. I'm stuck at the office till God-knows-when, and all I want is a fucking Manhattan. Enjoy.

@Z_Rowsdower: Can I say, I love your name. Just watched The Final Sacrifice for the umpteenth time yesterday, and, it honestly never gets old.

@FavreFAIL: The best way to do it is to turn the special ingredients into the butter that will go into the brownies. This will maximize the specialness of them, and not hinder the taste one iota. Including the stuff in the actual mix causes a drop in potency, and can lead to a rather obvious, illegal taste.

@SavetoFavorites: I've already canceled all my credit cards, bleached my hair, forged a passport, and moved twice since reading this news, and I'm still not sure I'm safe from the hackers.

Now playing

I believe this adequately sums up my excitement for the upcoming week.

@Julian Vargas: Well, then kick of your shoes, crack open a cold one, and enjoy your left coast rhymes.

@lauren_jo: You did some excellent work there yourself. You can be certain that this is going up on the fridge...right after I laminate it.

@Julian Vargas: Now, I don't want to sound like a nag here, but isn't this what got you in trouble with economics in the first place? Don't get me wrong, I like your posts, and I will be happy to draft false letters on your behalf should you need them, but it's going to be tough to convince your parents that you've

@Phintastic: At least Donnie Iris finally got his +1.

@ursa: I would go with D. Just make sure you're only shooting right before the train stops, so you can make a hasty escape should said old biddy wake up.