Don Jeter

Labral tear? Major or minor? Did Dr. Andrews say anything about his vulva?

"Some people can find a flaw in Bo Derek."

Deadspin Commenter: [awakens from three-day bender]

Todd Haley thought Drew Magary's Clownfister blog was an instructional guide.

Todd Haley calls breast cancer "the jug flu."

Too soon...

Todd Haley applied to be Ariel Castro's intern.

Todd Haley tries to charge guests for Solo cups at his family's dinner parties.

How big a deal would it be if John Walsh suddenly confessed to killing Adam? Huge, right? I feel like this would trigger a wave of cynicism that would circle the globe way more than the stupid shockwave from that stupid Russian meteor or whatever. Yep, I killed him, I chopped him up, then I made a bitchin' TV show all


I totally don't get it.

My coworkers are wondering why I'm spitting out coffee.

Jim Ross has said repeatedly that a sober Jake Roberts could be one of the most innovative creative minds in the wrestling business. Fully agree - he was, to me, the single best guy on the microphone in wrestling history. Better than Flair, Austin, Piper, all of them.

Oh man, if you think this is awesome, just wait until he turns 69, when mourners lay wreaths on his grave because he died far too young as a result of brain trauma.

Prior to dropping their shit, the gulls were overheard saying "Check out our impression of one if your phone calls!"

A pretty decent writer. Not that great on tv.

Well, you just knew that the nation of Haiti's luck would run out at some point.

*blinks repeatedly, wipes tears from eyes*