Don Jeter

something smells fishy here.

It's not that ridiculous to phase out a superstar, honestly. Kobe has been waning in skill for several years, now, and Alex Rodriguez has been waxing for 25.

All these jokes can't be coming from just one man. It's inconceivable.

[gets stomped to death by the hooves of dozens of stampeding bulls]

Rex looks like Kent Brockman after he won the lottery.

The Flophouse is what Manu Ginobli calls his estate in Argentina.

"You son of a bitch," Berra said.

In his defense, he wasn't allowed his pre-fight cigarette.

Your move Mr. Kraft

Ah, yes - the good old days when Delta Burke was attractive.

"Game 6? Amateurs."

Putting the R&B in rodeo.

surprising he has so many family members working for the IRS.