Don Jeter

To log on to any of their sites is to prowl along a rolling sierra of rankings, highlight tapes, message boards, and team-focused websites, all powered by an army of largely interchangeable analysts whose constant movement from one employer to the next leaves many of them looking pretty much the same.

"It gets better."

"I wish I'd gone with basketball."

"It gets better."

"Some guys have all the luck."

Look, Mike Webster was definitely a Schiano Man, but posting pictures of his funeral outfit is beyond the pale.

Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but this never would have happened during the Third Reich.

Does Brutus really need the Greg-Oden-length QB towel?

[flinches posthumously]

"We didn't mean it either!"

Maybe not, but he sure as shit is a big fan of plowing all four of those broads at the turn.

You don't just put an arm around a guy, and tell him it's ok when that happens.

Nice to see that Todd Haley Jr. has made something of himself.

Freeman didn't get fined for missing the team picture because A Schiano Man tells his son that school picture day is for nancies.

Looking good, Billy Ray!

A Schiano man eats the three biggest pieces of chicken.

"How many decades has it been already?"

She wants a pitcher, not a belly itcher.

"Involuntary amputation is for pussies."

At least now we know who inherited Garrett Reid's stash.