Don Jeter

Except the genius of the show is that Walt always was Heisenberg. He didn't have to go anywhere.

How about sacrificing a couple of episodes of Chopped every week the next time there's a serious contender for "The Best TV Show Ever." Fear not, Conant will still hate red onions the next time you catch it.

The Arizona Cardinals have existed for 115 years? They must have started in the Ivy league. Oh, and they've won 2 championships, not zero.

Now playing

I'm getting some hints of Carrot Top, but really, Frank Nelson was so much more talented:

"The force is strong with this one."

Cooper just needs to request a transfer to Serie A.

Baker was counting on a Dusty Finish, but the booker changed his mind.

The five counts of heliocentrism surprised no one on Mondol's defense team.

"I guess I'll have to take whatever tributes come my way."

"Isn't the trading deadline at the end of July?"

"Sounds like a frame-up to me."

[sheds a tear]

The robot should be front and center given that lineup of talent.

Ahh ... no wonder he limits himself to jokes about teeth.

If anyone ever needed an primer on the professionalism of female sports reporters, this video certainly Explains it All.

In retrospect, maybe the tattoo she got last fall was a bit of a mistake.

Little known fact, but his full Spanish name is Mathieu Valbuena y Dinklage

Hadn't heard that Pollard got traded to the Bucs.

"Hey there, Gunga Din, beer me!"

"Footnotes? Amateur. I do all my best work on the side."