Don Jeter

To this day, I can still beat Tyson.

"Get that THING away from that poor baby!"

+1 trimester

Oh you're right, it's way funnier this time. IT HAD TO BE DONE.

The assistant groundskeeper was thrown off by the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.

Believe it or not, his first draft was worse:

MUY MAS MACHO than a Mike Piazza press conference.

Roberts is back in the house, though—back in the Accountability Crib

Generous of Jerry Jones to allow Michael Irvin to host his St. Patrick's Day party at Cowboys Stadium.

Here's another example of the baker's work from last October. The birthday boy paid extra for her to say "30? I would have guessed 25!" when he picked up the cake.

Shouldn't Phil's dad be in Scotland this weekend?

Not even Lynn Hoppes would have the stones to so blatantly rip off a headline from a major newspaper:

The Giants should convince Randy Johnson to come out of retirement.

When his manager told him, "Rub some dirt on it and get up, you pussy", it was the first time Romanin had been coached about anything other than his facial hair.

seem to take is role

I just moved to Washington state from the East Coast, and everyone goes the fucking speed limit here. Which means there is no passing lane. It's a travesty.

Seems like DUAN stars GBV like at least twice a month ... I'm certainly not complaining, but I'd like to see some stats. Sounds like a job for sidespin.

Little Miss Can't be Running

Whitlock: [orders 2-for-1 special at the Bunny Ranch]
