Doctor Worm

Blue cheese dressing. One hundred percent.

The Brewers’ Association, as great of a industry advocate as it is, still hedges when it comes to the definition of a “craft brewer.” Before 2010, there was a limit of two million barrels produced annually. Boston Beer Company, maker of Sam Adams’, was bumping up on that limit, and to keep their “craft beer” cred,

Would you believe this is actually a better picture of the Funker?

Still, he shoulda taken the moooooneeeeey.

Is there an archive? Because after SBNation snapped them up, I can’t find SHIT on it.

Aw geeze, on the one hand I fucking love Daniel Bryan, but I get very uneasy when I hear wrestlers who want to get back in the ring after injuries. It looks like Bryan dotted his is and crossed his ts, but I can’t help but think of ruined careers and lives that came because a wrestler wanted to keep going despite his

What about Terry Tate?

Actually there was one other woman in Rock N’ Wrestling, on the heel side: Fabulous Moolah.

RIP Vader’s legs.

This Hollywood remake thing is getting out of hand. They’re doing Scanners with Georges St. Pierre?!

When I get home from work, I kick off my shoes, plop down on the couch, and crack open a cold bear.

Maybe it’s a cougar...

I was in the Navy, and they’d always tell us, “your logs are legal documents.” Didn’t stop us from writing stuff like “0200, completed rounds, ain’t shit going on.”

End of season 1. I don’t remember if I got through all of the first five episodes or tapped out after four, but I distinctly remember the previews of the CDC. From reading on the internet, I missed absolutely nothing other than Michael Rooker and Norman Reedus becoming bigger stars.

Now playing

Believe it or not, someone went through, listed all the black people, and made a song about it.

Remember the Cole/Lawler feud, when WWE brought back Grandmaster Sexay on Cole’s side and Lawler called him a huge disappointment? Got a little too real since Brian Christopher had problems with smuggling drugs and alcohol up to that point.

Hearing about Brian Christopher in this clip reminds me that the hold that Lawler had on wrestling from the 70s through the 2000s is kinda astounding. From his cousin the Honky Tonk Man holding the Intercontinental Championship for an ice age, to his son Brian Christopher’s run as Grandmaster Sexay to his third wife

Yeah, the links didn’t note the outrageous attacks on academia. I just wanted to make it clear: this is not like the Young Republicans or other shithead groups on campuses. This is a dangerous group that actively attempts to subvert universities.