Doctor Worm

Thanks for joining us, Jim Rodgers!

Most of these “cowboys” would be the rich ranch owners who hired the actual cowboys to do the hard, shitty work for them while they made the money and jerked off into the mirror.

“Not you, though, you’re one of the good ones”.

Gonna go out on a limb and say most of these “cowboys” would shit themselves in apoplexy if they were riding with a black cowboy or Mexican vaquero.

Open, brazen ignorance is a kind of honesty.

“The thing about the cowboy way is that you’re honest”

Damn. Where’s Reggie Jackson when you need him 

The “Veterans for Impeachment” signs behind home plate at the top of the fifth was also a nice touch.

How one might be familiar with Muggsy Bogues and not Allen Iverson is a feat of the mind I’ll never understand.”

Just what we need: another pathetically needy orange attention hog who attends every ALCS, NLCS and World Series game.

He heard “short basketball player” and lost focus on the rest of the question.

How one might be familiar with Muggsy Bogues and not Allen Iverson is a feat of the mind I’ll never understand.

Jeopardy is not about actually knowing stuff like “who won NBA all-star MVP in 2001" or “What was the date of Charles Lindbergh’s landing”. You know the question style well enough that you pick out the clue that is the real test. For instance, I know jack shit about operas, but damn whenever an opera category comes

Easily? Muggsy was famous for being short. AI was famous for other things. I would expect anyone with only a passing remembrance of early 2000s NBA to guess Muggsy.

No, no.  The question was literally The Answer.


I am simultaneously starring this and booing this.

When in doubt, the answer is always “Vince didn’t get it”

The thing about The Demon on the main roster is that Vince (and I feel it’s mostly Vince then didn’t get this) thought it was just another spooky supernatural thing. No one seemed to be able to get across to Vince that the Demon was essentially a thing Finn used to psyche himself up and take himself to the next level,