Puh-leeze. Give credit where credit is due. It’s Mama Kris who was the guiding force in this idiot’s life. No more, no less.
Puh-leeze. Give credit where credit is due. It’s Mama Kris who was the guiding force in this idiot’s life. No more, no less.
Look, clearly you have a very narrow understanding of how the world works and that includes the presidency. Trump spent four years courting and empowering authoritarian regimes around the world while simultaneously doing everything he could to damage our own democracy and the strength of allied relationships. It is he…
Thank you for this review.
It is not a flamethrower, it’s a door key!
I mean, that has been the plan for every other media property he has owned, so yes, I imagine that’s the plan here.
That’s a lot of money that’s not going to the people that made it possible for Bezos to have the boat in the first place.
Spare us, dude. Bleeding hearts for the suffering mega-yacht industry?
I can offer one possible explanation:
They used the moniker "socialist" to initially appeal to a socialist worker's union to get their votes. They were never actually socialists, it was an election ploy. Man you don't know shit about history
But we aren’t talking about BLM, we are talking about these fools now. Why must deflection always take place. The looting was not ok then but that was then, now we are talking now.
“Allowed to remain” is the important part you included in that quote and then actively ignored it in order to make your own point.
That’s exactly what these assholes want but the cops are doing nothing. Sure they’ll send in the military to take out First Nations protecting their land and water but they’ll sit on their hands while whitey pisses on the street.
If you are looking at these dictionary definitions you googled just now to get mad and not seeing any relation to power structures then you should work on your reading comp. Nor are the two definitions presented the be-all end-all of scholarly thought on racism, but rather surface-level summaries chosen not to upset…
I’m not sure how much college you’ve under your belt, but the dictionary is not a valid source for ones history project.
I work for an Austin based company and my peers keep cheering on new companies coming to Austin at the same time as they complain endlessly about traffic, home prices exploding and all the issues that come with rapid growth.
They don’t quite see it yet. I watched that shit explode here in the bay area over the last 20…
I won’t even pay BMW money for a BMW.
Normal dollies couldn’t get the Tesla off the pedestal this owner keeps it on.
It’s about a... wait for it... car.
Yeah, looking at that photo those weren’t some cheap Huffys he ran over.
At 16 you know right from wrong.