
THIS. This, this, this, this, this.

I’m a first-run Star Wars fan (est. 1977), and I gotta tell ya...

Ohh,ho-ho-ho-ho MAN. I haven’t even started the slideshow, but I saw that first slide from The Day Time Ended and know that it’s gonna be tough to beat that one for sheer, unhinged weirdness. Good lord, that movie walks a fine line between coherence and —

Okay, maybe it’s not deserving of a mythos, but have you ever read the 1986 roleplaying game from West End Games and Chaosium? If anything proves that the franchise has legs, it’s that game. That game is solid gold, one of the best ever published, and it’s full of ideas for expanding the Ghostbusters universe in fun

Thank goodness they didn’t call up Barry Nakazono to design it.

Maaaaaan, you kids with your 90s stuff. I still have my Burger King Star Wars glass.

Man. 25-year-old me had a big crush on the 1999 Phantom Menace Pizza Hut Girl, and 49-year-old me can still see why.

Yeah, I dug him until I heard about that. Apparently, he did NOT get along with his Robot Jox co-star because of their political opinions. Too bad; we was a fun actor to watch.

I’ve been a Star Wars fan since those three words meant anything. The Last Jedi was the first time since Empire when I felt I’d really seen my favorite universe really, truly surprise me, and go to some of the broader places that, previously, I had only seen it go in the venerable West End Games roleplaying game.

Glaringly absent are Reel Big Fish’s excretion of a-ha’s “Take On Me” and whatever the hell it was that Orgy did to the venerable and majestic “Blue Monday” by New Order. Not only are these two attempts (I dare not elevate them to ‘cover’ status) solid examples of how to shoot classic new wave songs right out of your

Holy crap Dark heck yeah! I love that show. Thanks for giving it props!

“Hey, kids, remember the fantasy fun you had with the movie? All the costumes, and the epic score, and the sense of immersion into a fantasy world? Yeah? YEAH?! Great!

It’s a shame - Warwick Davis is a swell actor and from all accounts a swell guy, and Willow was the flick that introduced me to him. It also acclimated me to fantasy at a time when I was mostly a Star Wars kid, thereby doubling my nerd pleasure. Davis’ work, and the character, and the world, deserve to be seen.


I genuinely and sincerely appreciate Jupiter Ascending because it’s the piece of crap movie I wanted to make when I was 14.

I was able to watch it on Amazon Prime Video, as well -- with the option to watch the remastered episodes OR the original ones with the late-60s effects. I chose the latter. 

I am an insufferable purist when it comes to covers of New Wave songs. See how I capitalized “New Wave”? It’s freaking SACRED. I heard Reel Big Fish’s cover of “Take On Me” and knew what murderers think. The iconic songs of the genre are iconic for a REASON,and woe betide you if you goof with ‘em and I find out and

Is it?! I watched it on YouTube!

Not an episode of a genre series, BUT —

Bloomington native representing, here. Like, I live there. I’m here right now.