
I’ll start by confessing I haven’t seen Possession, but will now put it on my list. That said, while I don’t think all remakes are a bad thing, and A24 generally puts out good movies, it just feels like another “why are we doing another remake?” I guess at least it’s not some massive IP.

I’m intrigued that Hardwick was able to record some episodes before his death, so that means Dale will be a part of the revival. Still, while there’s plenty of talented VAs out there, I’m just not sure if it will be successful without him. Go back and watch the series and really pay attention to just how vital Dale

“What’s wrong?”

There is something kind of amazing about the ability for every individual to pick and choose what is “canon” from a plethora of stories, with the added bonus of enough people picking certain things sort of organically drives it all forward (Thrawn, Mara Jade, etc.). Comics do this too -there is no way Spider-Man makes

and nothing bad happened. 

It’s not about rape being bad or not for’s about who gets to rape.

Republicans are about ready nominate a rapist for president.

I just looked and Weaver has never won an Oscar.   She is fucking amazing in everything she is in.  

Came here for this.

Looks like Arthur C. Clarke was right all along.

This. That’s part of why Google Play Music was good - I could give more money directly to artists I liked by buying songs/albums in addition to streaming.

When buying isn’t owning, pirating isn’t stealing.

Also a complete right wing freak who hated black people. Let’s not leave that part out just because he played a few cool characters.

Alien Nation wasn’t a bad TV show, especially for early Fox Network.

Hell yeah, it was propulsive and understood it had to earn the viewer’s investment. Any original show has to make a case for itself. But shows based on IP you already know can get so lazy...I think a lot of Disney+ series are like this.

Can’t believe you didn’t include the Venture Brothers in this one. Plenty of shows take big swings at the end of season one but only Venture had the guts to actually kill off its title characters, then spend the season two opener on the surprise reveal that the boys had been clones all along, that the original Hank

Yep. 10 million subscribers at $10/month gets you a slick $1.2 billion a year. Operational costs aren’t cheap cheap, but as long as you’re not overbuying content and projecting exponential growth in perpetuity, that’s a frickin’ great business.

Glad I checked before I posted the same thing.  Woof that was a stinker.  It looked like a second season may have been better, but don’t give me a whole prolog season of boring nonsense and badly lit fights.

Like every other studio that foolishly stumbled into the streaming business 10 years late, only to find, yup, no money there,

Ah, the wonderful time of having your entertainment and probably all other choices decided entirely by what serves the most wealthy of civilization’s whims and foibles.