
Same. My Nexus 6 is hanging on but I don’t know if I can wait until October for a Pixel 2 that may or may not have giant bezels, but need to see the Essential at work.

I get not so much nightmares as deviations from reality. It’s an issue in my average awake life, and lucid dreaming has made it a bit worse. Not as bad as it could be, but definitely not better.

I HATE those damned dream within a dream bullshit. The time it happened to me, I knew I was dreaming a couple of times. Then I started asking myself ‘was I really awake?’.

Totally agree.
The most puzzling thing I’ve ever heard someone say was, “I was born a Republican, and I will die a Republican.”

LOL, what does that even mean?

Thank you for posting this. AeronPeryton’s posts were absolutely infuriating to read - other user’s could mistake their open personal bias against MS products for informed technical knowledge.

The only reason I can think of to not own Catan is that Catan is actually not a very good game.

The only reason I can think of to not own Catan is that Catan is actually not a very good game.

I also tried Vivaldi. It was decent...But their asinine decision to strip out chrome account syncing turned me off. I will not use your product if I can’t sync my browser...And I will not use your own idiotic version of sync (part of the reason I gave up on Firefox besides it’s shitty performance and crashing)

Apparently, they expected a title that was slightly less apropos. ^___^

I mean, not only is the clue in the title, but it begins with Lemony Snicket personally warning the viewer that they shouldn’t continue watching because it’s such a downer.


Agreed, but they’re the loudest, so they’ll get the most attention.

Man fuck multiplayer games. I hope one day these rewards are exclusive to just singleplayer games and make other rewards for those exclusively multiplayer games.

and will cease to be called “pad bs” and be elevated to miracle of engineering once they incorporate it.


Or, to put it as Jesus put it, “Be perfect, as your father in Heaven is perfect.” So yes, Christianity is most definitely a call to stop being human. Bonhoeffer put it as: “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” A popular hymn goes, “The wondrous cross/bids me come and die/and find that I/may

Real EQUALIZER is Tomato Face’s newest disnengious persona. Don’t feed him.

Or just saving the violence and abuse for when they’re at home. “Sure, I hit her, but you invadin’ my privacy cuz I done whipped her in my private home fer thinking some other guy was purdier than me.”

At my age I gotta restore and recharge.

Now playing

Things like this are why liberals can never get a foothold in the red states. The PC crap has gotten so out-of-hand that it’s hard to take some of it seriously, which means those on the outside looking in wind up taking none of it seriously. Pick your battles, people.

Same here. I know millions have complaints about Charter - and I only have their internet - but I have had maybe 3 instances of temporary outage in over a decade. But I get mailers for their cable about 3 times a week, which annoys me.

Sadly we have left the days of subtlety behind. Anything that appears too stupid to be said is likely to be said at any time by the president.