
Yes, but running up to walk behind the people in the lead and saying “Hey guys, I am in the lead” doesn’t make you the leader.  It makes you a popular follower.

Oh please, tell us poor idiots what jobs have “dignity” and “integrity”?

This is the dumbest position ever.

If you feel like that is what I said, then I don’t see how I can clarify things in a sufficient manner against such a hostile attitude. So I won’t bother.

1st minimum wage is seldom a livable wage to begin with, especially since most sates these people are only covered by the federal minimum. Two there is very, very little enforcement on that end of the rule. If your tips don’t amount to the minimum wage there is almost zero chance your employer will make up the

Well, glad I cut the cord with U-Verse TV a little while back.

They get minimum wage if they don’t make tips. Just like people who bring you your food at McDonald’s or somewhere.

I believe their effort is worth what the job is paying them. Which is minimum wage if they don’t get tipped well enough to meet minimum wage on their own.

We would get along.  On this topic, anyway.  Fuck tipping culture.

Doesn’t mean you have to participate.  After all, you can’t change a shitty aspect of our culture by participating in that culture.

The answer to “should I tip (insert person)“ will always be “Sure, if you want.”

...Lawrence Krauss, first off.  Second, Stephen Hawking was never a “known sexual harasser”.  The site that reported it removed it later and directly said it was false.

It is too late if you want to have fun, though.

Well, as far as know Apple doesn’t.  Apple is at least as sketchy as some people consider Google to be, they just aren’t as open about it.

Fortunately, their walled garden approach is under legal threat.  Competition is good.

I think they should.  Give them some competition.

Member of Trump family does incredibly stupid thing after being told not to do it.  Sources report a complete lack of surprise.

While the art is well done, I must say that the style is creeping me the hell out.

I will be honest.

On the plus side, the coming zombie apocalypse will basically end in minutes because zombies are the easiest possible thing for an army to kill.